One of the practices that has sustained me and taught me to walk gently, and to celebrate just making it to the mat is the yoga practice taught by the talented Rachel Meyer. What a gift to have a yoga teacher who never once made me feel bad for my less-than-coordinated self and the awkward poses I attempted. I am more graceful because of it. What a gift to have a teacher steeped in theology across traditions, with a healthy dose of Midwestern common sense to boot. — A.
Rachel has changed my life. There’s really no other way of saying it. Her teaching nourishes all of me—my body, my brain, and my soul—and her words stay with me long after class is over. She humbly calls herself a yoga teacher, but she’s so much more. She’s that “good angel” on my shoulder who helps me breathe through life’s challenging moments and appreciate its beautiful ones, and who consistently reminds me that I’m perfectly imperfect, like life. — S.
If I had to describe Rachel Meyer’s teaching style in one word, I would say REAL. That realness reflects in her presence both in the studio, and in the community. Rachel has a very genuine way she connects with her students. Her experiences in life have given her much perspective and she has a talent for connecting people not just in breath and movement, but to the present moment and to their fellow students. You can tell that Rachel loves what she does and she has stayed true to herself and her own practice. This is present in her signature sequencing style which is grounded in Ashtanga Vinyasa, with fast paced, powerful asana, chanting and plenty of heart opening devotion. She is flexible, not just in the physical sense, but in her teaching style and will change the pace of the class in response to the students needs and abilities. I have personally seen my practice evolve from yoga for exercise to yoga being essential to my well-being during the years I have practiced with Rachel. Rachel teaches real yoga for real people. — C.
Hi Rachel, I found your channel by accident and I love your classes. I do them regularly and I feel so present and settled afterwards. Thank you soo much! — B.
Thank you so much for this class! My whole body and spirit feels more balanced — energized and grounded at the same time. I also enjoyed and appreciated the beautiful meditation at the end. Namaste — K.
I just stumbled on this video searching for most recent 45-minute flow videos and woooooow this was such a good class. I loved your pace with the postures and felt it to be so well-rounded. Also love the closing intention. I’m really excited to practice more of your videos and wish you all the best for the growth of your channel! Thanks from Budapest/London. — T.
So glad to find you. I just listened to your interview on Canadian radio CBC Tapestry show with Mary Hynes. Thoroughly appreciated your comments and insight. I too am yearning for a spiritual path as a person hungry for meaning and embodied spirituality. — S.
Hi Rachel, really loved today’s practice. I have been practising with you since the beginning of all of this crazy pandemic stuff, and I really want to thank you for giving me a beautiful space to really tune into myself. Thank you so much. — K.
Hi Rachel, my brother-in-law Christian recommended your yoga classes (he used to go to your class in Oakland 🙂 ). I just wanted to take a minute to thank you so much for making and posting these videos — they have been so great to have during this hard pandemic time!! I have had a yoga practice for many years and am extremely picky about whose classes I take, and I love yours! I have extra gratitude for your wonderful pace, even voice, clarity and lack of superfluous spiritual preaching 😉 Thanks for adding sanity to a crazy time! — C.
Thank you for this class! I loved the flow, the intensity and the pace. I really enjoyed this and will come back to it often. Thank you again. — C.
Gratitude for this practice: it was like flow meets yin. Depth and peace. Thank you! — U.
Beastie yoga stretch Rachel splendidly strong ty Namaste Sasu high fives! — O.
Amazing amazing amaziiiiing!!!! Please more flows like this Rachel. You are amazing. — C.
Just revisited this and it was exactly what I needed. Thank you for sharing this practice with me. — L.
I absolutely love your yoga classes! — M.
Wonderful practice, Rachel! Love from San Francisco! — O.
Another great practice this morning with you — thank you, Rachel! — T.
Thank you very much Rachel. That was a beautiful flow, very energizing… — A.
I’m a Buddhist…so happy to see your practice. — S.
Beautiful class!!! Felt very special to my body and soul! — K.
Great practice, many thanks. You say some really positive altruistic things here. — D.
A hug from Brazil! Thanks for your classes, they are the ones I like the most. — Y.
Thank you Rachel for this flow. I appreciate the meditation and flows very much. — K.
Thanks for this great flow, Rachel, and thanks for all the hours devoted to these powerful and uplifting Vinyasas shared with us! I think we all know what we owe you. — L.
Rachel’s flow is becoming my go-to practice! — U.
Thank you. Great to find a 1 hour video, really enjoyed your practice — D.
Great vinyasa flow if pressed for time! — P.
Rachel, I remember you from Flying Yoga in Oakland. I am so grateful to have found you on YouTube. Thank you for such mindful, wonderful classes, especially during this challenging time. — J.
Hi Rachel. Neil and I just love your classes. Intelligent, thoughtful, soulful and challenging…..all at the same time! We miss you in SF! — R.
Thank you for this lovely class Rachel – I really enjoy your teaching and your warmth 🙂 Have a lovely day! X — B.
I used to take your yoga class when you taught at Flying and have been a fan of your blog/writing for a few years now. I am sooooooooo glad to be able to “take” a class with you again! — Y.
So excited and I just can’t hide it!! I was transported back to the sweaty Sunday mornings in Oakland. Miss getting my butt kicked and miss YOU!! Thank you for putting this out for all of us. — L.
LOVED this class! Thank you for this! — A.
What an amazing class. I just did it and it was really great. Creative and complete. Can’t wait to try more. — M.
Thanks you for making available these sessions. I found them excellent. I wish for you to stay healthy. — G.
So much gratitude for your channel, your energy and your practices! Know that you are appreciated!! Thank you 😀 Om Shanti — L.
Thank you SO much for this session. I feel so good, relaxed and energized!! <3 — L.
This is going on my Favorites playlist! Great quick flow — S.
This was just what I needed, thank you for a great practice! — M.
Just did this practice. It was so good! Thank you! I am looking forward to doing all your practices now! — K.
Rachel — thank you so much for posting new vids so often…these practices have saved my sanity these last several months…and also my hips!! Sending you big love and gratitude from the Bay. — R.
This is exactly what I have been searching for! Thank you, Rachel! I look forward to practicing with you again! — R.
I find it so amazing that now, with you so far from when and where I knew you best, now I finally get to practice with you. That you so much! — B.
Perfect way to start the day (or end it!!) Best 30 minutes of the day (for me!) Thank you for helping me make the time!…healing flow! — J.
Thank you so much for this nice session. I really miss your classes at the studio, but now I feel grounded again. — C.
Hello Rachel from rural Kent, England Nice flow again today — I do hope you are able to continue to provide online classes once you perhaps start them in person again. I enjoy your flows at least 3 times a week and the variation you provide is excellent. Many thanks for sharing your time and energy with us. — K.
Your videos are one of the few bright spots for me during this pandemic. — Y.
Thank you! I love the hip opening in this! — J.
Wow! Thank you for the beautiful start of the day. It was amazing practice and I really like how calm you make everything, not like the other instructors which push themselves maximum and make me to feel like I’m not enough flexible. — B.
I love doing 1 hour long classes. I’m addicted to this channel:) Thank you for so many creative classes and complete classes. — M.
Kind and restorative practice. Thank you Rachel — you are a great teacher both in person and online! — U.
Perfect start of the day. Thank you with all my heart. — B.
Exactly what I needed today!! Mahalos, Sister!! — L.
Thanks for a great class! It’s been awhile since I’ve done sundial pose and it was nice to revisit it. — E.
So much gratitude. Thank you!. — Q.
This was a wonderfully peaceful yet challenging flow. Just what I was looking for. Thank you. — R.
Thank you for this practice! Loved it. — T.
A lovely session to get rid of the stress and create some inner peace, thanks Rachel! — L.
Thank you, Rachel! This stretch was perfect after my long run this AM! — R.