June #pridemonth always has me marveling at the incredible overlaps between queer theory and yoga philosophy.
Take these, for starters:
An emphasis on fluidity and non-essentialism
The sense that our identities are always and ever unfolding
A deep valuing of embodied experience as a source of wisdom
The notion that your body and your desires are inherently GOOD
A spirit of playfulness and camp. In Sanskrit, this looks like the word “leela”, meaning “divine play”
A history of folks who’ve consciously lived on the margins, outside of heteronormative nuclear family models
A countercultural spirit
A celebration of individuality
The value of relaxing into authenticity; dropping all masks
A rejection of dualistic binaries (though yoga still has much to unpack in this regard: the tired sun/moon, ida/pingala categories we use in hatha yoga desperately need to be queered)
If you want to check out some examples of queer theorists’ work, dig into:
Judith Butler
Adrienne Rich
E. Patrick Johnson
Angela Davis
David Halperin
Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick
Audre Lorde
and so many more I haven’t mentioned here
Who are your latest favorites? Love to hear.